
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries from April 25th, 2008

Larry King on the Other Larry King: Day of Silence PSA

April 25th, 2008 · Comments Off on Larry King on the Other Larry King: Day of Silence PSA · Culture, Education, Hate Crimes, Human Rights, LGBT, Media, News, Politics, TV, Video

Very cool — CNN’s Larry King records a PSA in honor of his murdered namesake, in support of the 12th annual Day of Silence organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.   Previously on Ocelopotamus: • Death by Flirting  



With Six You Get Blogroll

April 22nd, 2008 · 3 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Internet, Journal, Meta, Music, Neo-Futurists, New Wave, Politics, Vegetarian & Vegan

So yesterdoodle, as part of my ongoing efforts to get the Ocelopotamus back to full health and vitality, I finally got around to overhauling the blogroll (that’s that tall snaky thing over to the right that looks like a list of nonsensical words and phrases!) with some links that I’ve been accumulonimbusing for a stoat’s […]



Comical Cartoon Comics

April 22nd, 2008 · 1 Comment · Books, Comics, Culture, Nature, Politics

Because I haven’t brought you your funnies in a while … • Tom the Dancing Bug’s Super-Fun-Pak Comix. … T’Aint no evolution! • Matt Bors: Let’s ask a multi-millionaire who sounds like a redneck! … Ya follow? • Opus: What to take if your nipples shoot sparks. • Tom Toles: Constructing the angry tea-drinking elitist. […]



Thank You, Bob (or, That Flag Pin Won’t Get You Into Heaven Any More)

April 20th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Culture, Journalism, Meta, Music, Politics, Religion, Video

Bob Schieffer attempts to explain it slowly and clearly for George Stephanopoulos. It probably won’t do any good, but I love him for trying. And seriously — it’s beyond tragic that this sort of thing even needs to be said, but clearly it does.   Via this diary. I like the parallel Mr. Schieffer draws […]



The Kids Are Hall Right

April 20th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Comedy, Culture, Film, Kids in the Hall, Performance

I’m pretty geeked about the current Kids in the Hall tour, and the fact that I actually have a ticket in hand for their May 29 show at the Chicago Theatre. I’ve never gotten to see them live before, because on their previous trips to Chicago I was always performing with the Neo-Futurists or something […]



Condi Must Go

April 16th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Activism, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Torture, Video

I’ll say this for Condoleeza Rice — she does an outstanding job of making the case against herself. Watch her effectively prosecute herself on video:   Read this diary for context. Visit CondiMustGo.com for more info and to sign the online petition.  




April 11th, 2008 · 5 Comments · News, Politics, The Economy, Stupid, Video

This is just sublime.   Man, he knows how to talk back. In fact, I have no choice but to haul out the Oh Snap Flowchart: (Swiped from this diary.)  



B-52’s Funplex Roundup

April 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Film, LGBT, Music, New Wave, News, TV, Video

So the new B-52’s album Funplex has been out for a couple of weeks now and is getting hot-pink rave reviews everywhere. Of course all during the recent period when I was busy not blogging I was wanting to post all sorts of breathless updates and links about it. But the truth is Astralwerks seems […]




April 8th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Activism, Culture, Human Rights, LGBT, News, Politics

I’ve said this many times in the past, and I’m sure I’ll say it again in the future: God bless Peter Tatchell. Towleroad: Gay activist Peter Tatchell was one of dozens detained in various protests over the weekend surrounding the transit of the Olympic flame through London, including one dramatic moment in which the torch […]



Blue Angel, Red Hot

April 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Blogs, Culture, LGBT, Music, New Wave

The folks over at Popdose have a nice feature up about Cyndi Lauper’s early rockabilly band, Blue Angel, including a few songs from the sole Blue Angel album in Mavis Pickles the Third format. I love almost everything Ms. Lauper has done, but I have to say: the Blue Angel album is just transcendent and […]



Schadenfreudian Hillarity

April 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Blogs, Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, News, Performance, Politics, Video

In case you haven’t seen any of these yet, my pals at Schadenfreude (who I love despite the fact that they terrify me sometimes) are doing a good job of capturing the current logic of the Hillary campaign in video.   These are turning up all over Greater Blogistania and one of the other installments […]



Out of the Lightfoot Closet

April 7th, 2008 · 5 Comments · Music, The Partly Dave Show

I just discovered that talented local singer-songwriter John Greenfield — who, by way of mentioning it, performed in the second-ever edition of The Partly Dave Show back in 2003 — has an eloquent writeup of a recent Gordon Lightfoot show in Waukegan over on Gaper’s Block. I suppose I’ve been a Gordon Lightfoot fan since […]



Freedom Is Slavery (Doubleplus for Iraqi Women)

April 6th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Feminism, Foreign Policy, News, Peace, Politics

Newsweek on what life is like for women in Iraq in these days of the glorious surge: The insurgents have been driven out of her southwest Baghdad neighborhood, but the 30-year-old shop assistant is still frightened. A year ago Al Qaeda in Iraq ruled the streets outside her home, and Mahdi Army militia units kept […]



Andy White at the Celtic Knot, 3/30/08: Follow-Up

April 6th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Culture, Journal, Lit, Music, Performance, Reviews

Well, the Andy White show I posted about last Sunday was lovely. It was a shockingly intimate setting, a cozy and beautifully decorated back room at the Celtic Knot where Andy played for a group of about 20 of us, and he was just as charming and entertaining as any Andy fan would expect. He […]

