
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'Facebook'

I Entweet You

March 4th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Blogs, Comedy, Culture, Facebook, Internet, Journal, Meta, Social Media/Social Networking, Tech

By-the-by … I am on Twitter these days, if you want to come tweet with me there. I’m new enough to the Twitterverse that I’m still finding people I like to follow, but have been particularly enjoying Rainn Wilson and of course the current Grand Emperor of Tweetsylvania, Stephen Fry. Was also very excited to […]



Um, Hello There (or: Oops, I Wrote a Book!)

February 7th, 2009 · 4 Comments · Books, Culture, Facebook, Facebook Me!, Journal, Meta, Tech

So, yeah. No beating around the bush. I kind of disappeared from this little corner of Lower East Blogistan for about four months. What happened is that I was writing a book. Yes, it’s a book about Facebook. A Facebookbook. See, for the last nine years I’ve been freelancing for Peachpit Press as a tech […]



Remedial Comedy-Writing for T-Shirt Companies

June 27th, 2008 · 11 Comments · Advertising, Comedy, Culture, Facebook, Science Fiction, TV

Methinks some people in the t-shirt business misunderstand the basic idea of funniness. For example, I just got a little ad on Facebook, which claims this is “the funniest Star Trek t-shirt ever … !” Well, um … no. That’s not especially funny. Sure, “Make it so” was Captain Picard’s catchphrase. But there’s nothing funny […]

