
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'TV'

Music: Captain Sensible — “If You Don’t Talk Happy, and You Never Have a Dream …”

May 18th, 2007 · Comments Off on Music: Captain Sensible — “If You Don’t Talk Happy, and You Never Have a Dream …” · Comedy, Culture, Music, New Wave, TV, Video

Just the thing for a Friday: Captain Sensible doing his version of “Happy Talk” (i.e., the best version ever!) on Top of the Pops. If you ask me, the parrot steals it.   Bonus: Captain Sensible cereal commercial!   … and the good Captain getting interviewed by a puppet. I just wish there were a […]



Fool MSNBC Twice, Shame on You

May 15th, 2007 · 5 Comments · Blogs, Culture, Internet, Journalism, Media, News, Politics, TV, Video

Funny stuff. Josh Marshall from Talking Points Memo roasts MSNBC for mistaking a parody White House site for the real thing in their Falwell coverage. The second time around, the anchorpersonage has a wee bit of trouble understanding the nature of her earlier mistake.   MSNBC needs to hire some kids to explain the Web […]



Roundup: The Bitch Is Back Edition

May 11th, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: The Bitch Is Back Edition · Apple, Comedy, Comics, Culture, Doctor Who, Health, Healthcare Crisis, Human Rights, LGBT, Media, Music, New Wave, News, Peace, Pet Food, Politics, Science Fiction, Tech, Torture, TV



The Colbert Report on Intolerance Toward Intolerance

May 10th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Culture, Hate Crimes, Politics, TV, Video

Stephen Colbert explains why we all need to be more sensitive to the feelings of bigots. (After all, if you prick a homophobic prick, does he not bleed?)



Roundup: Kansas Twister Edition

May 9th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Comedy, Culture, Doctor Who, Education, Food, Health, HIV/AIDS, Journalism, LGBT, Media, Music, New Wave, News, Politics, Science Fiction, TV, Video

Kansas governor says it’s been harder to deal with the recent tornado disaster because the war in Iraq has put such a drain on the state’s National Guard. Both personnel and equipment that should have been available to the state are currently tied up in Iraq. “Here in Kansas, about 50 percent of our trucks […]



The Actor’s Side of the Gay Heroes Controversy

May 7th, 2007 · Comments Off on The Actor’s Side of the Gay Heroes Controversy · Culture, Heroes, LGBT, Politics, Science Fiction, TV

Still catching up on stuff I meant to post last week. As a follow-up to my previous post about the gay-character-on-Heroes controversy, Thomas Dekker, the actor who played Zach, has now told his side of the story in a posting to his MySpace site (warning: incoherent, monitor-shredding layout. In other words, it’s a MySpace page.) […]



TV: A Trashy Little Space Opera Called Quark

May 4th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Culture, Journal, Science Fiction, TV, Video

Yeah, I’m still getting caught up with everything I put on the back burner in the lead-up to this week’s Partly Dave Show. So instead of our usual high-minded Ocelopotamus programming, here’s something fun for a Friday that I’ve been saving up for a while. For literally decades now, I’ve been dying for the chance […]



Doctor Who Season Three Debuts July 6 in the US

April 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on Doctor Who Season Three Debuts July 6 in the US · Culture, Doctor Who, History, News, Science Fiction, TV

The Doctor Who two-part story “Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks” wrapped up this weekend on the BBC, with the Doctor and Martha battling Daleks (and their pig-headed assistants) in the newly built Empire State Building in early 1930s New York, against the backdrop of the depression. The episodes featured some great historical background, with […]



Roundup: Giant Hourglass Edition

April 30th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Activism, Apple, Blogs, Books, Culture, Education, Fantasy, Foreign Policy, Health, Human Rights, Lit, Media, News, Politics, Science, Science Fiction, Tech, TV

As part of an international day of protest over the genocide in Darfur, campaigners in London displayed a giant hourglass filled with “blood” to symbolize time running out. The image at right is from a video featuring Hugh Grant tied to the campaign. More than 200,000 have died, with 2 million displaced and 4 million […]



Video: Bill Moyers on Buying the War, Kevin Tillman on Selling It

April 27th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Journalism, Media, News, Peace, Politics, TV

Bill Moyer’s Buying the War documentary on PBS, about how the Washington press bought into the administration’s marketing campaign and enabled it during the runup to the Iraq War, obviously made a big splash this week. I haven’t had time to watch it all myself yet, but you can view the whole show online here. […]



Holding Out for a Gay Hero

April 26th, 2007 · 4 Comments · Culture, Heroes, LGBT, Politics, Science Fiction, TV

At last it comes out (so to speak): the full behind-the-scenes story on the Heroes character who was supposed to be gay, and then wasn’t anymore. Popgurls.com interviews Heroes producer Bryan Fuller, who spills more beans than have previously been spilled from this particular can of beans. What happened: It absolutely was a path that […]



Roundup: Forest for the Trees Edition

April 23rd, 2007 · 2 Comments · Activism, Apple, Blogs, Business, Climate Change, Comedy, Culture, Food, Health, Heroes, Labor, LGBT, Music, Nature, News, Peace, Pet Food, Politics, Science, Tech, TV

France heads for a runoff election between right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy and left-winger Ségolène Royal. The country’s future hangs in the balance, and a lot depends on where the defeated centrist candidate steers his followers. Right wing blogs are now trying to push the idea that there was a massive conspiracy to hide WMDs in Iraq. […]



Totally Different Head: Devo on Square Pegs!

April 21st, 2007 · 3 Comments · Comedy, Culture, Music, New Wave, TV, Video

It’s been a tough week in the news, to put it mildly, so I feel like breaking out something special to brighten up the weekend. Like, how about the New Waviest episode of one of the New Waviest TV shows ever — the infamous Devo episode of Square Pegs! DJ Kristine of Planet Earth Chicago […]



“Has Anyone in This Family Ever Even Seen a Chicken?”

April 16th, 2007 · Comments Off on “Has Anyone in This Family Ever Even Seen a Chicken?” · Comedy, Culture, TV, Video

Because Ocelopotamus has been on a little bit of an Arrested Development kick lately … and because we know you need something to chase those Monday blues away — we bring you the Chicken Dance compilation.   Chickens don’t clap. Believe it. And just to really bless the beginning of your week, we follow that […]

