
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'TV'

Or We Could Just Go with a Picture of the Comic Book Guy

June 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on Or We Could Just Go with a Picture of the Comic Book Guy · Blogs, Comedy, Comics, Culture, Film, Internet, Journal, TV

Okay, since I always like to follow the lead of the RubberNun, I took my best shot at recreating myself as a Simpsons character (courtesy of the avatar builder at the Simpsons Movie site). Of course, being the multi-faceted Gemini Rising type that I am, I had to do four different versions. Figure A: The […]



Vintage TV: Serena Sings on Bewitched

June 23rd, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Culture, Fantasy, Music, TV, Video

I don’t know why I get such a kick out of these little faux mod-psychedelic numbers from Bewitched, but I loved them as a kid and have enjoyed seeing them again on YouTube. Probably it’s because Liz is clearly having such a scenery-chewing great time performing them. And because they send the camp factor of […]



Roundup: Irish Sea Eagle Edition

June 22nd, 2007 · 1 Comment · Blogs, Climate Change, Culture, Feminism, Film, Internet, Law, LGBT, Media, Music, Nature, New Wave, News, Politics, Roundup, Science, TV

POLITICS: The Senate Judiciary committee has voted 13-3 to authorize subpoenas for documents related to the NSA warrantless surveillance program. That includes three Republicans on the committee voting in favor of the subpeonas: Sens. Arlen Specter (R-PA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Poland “stuns” other members of the European Union by demanding that […]



Doctor Who: Season Three on Sci-Fi Channel, Captain Jack, Derek Jacobi, and Whovian Pride

June 20th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Culture, Doctor Who, Fantasy, LGBT, News, Science Fiction, TV

According to Outpost Gallifrey, The Sci-Fi channel has announced that Season Three of Doctor Who will begin its US premiere run on July 6th. The Runaway Bride debuts at 8pm and is immediately followed by Smith and Jones at 9.30pm. Both programmes are repeated starting at 11.30pm. The premieres come after a day of Doctor […]



“Do Not Go To Work on an Egg”

June 20th, 2007 · Comments Off on “Do Not Go To Work on an Egg” · Advertising, Business, Comedy, Culture, Food, Health, Language, News, TV, Vegetarian & Vegan, Video

A British advertising watchdog has slapped down the British Egg Information Service’s attempt to bring back the famous “Go To Work on an Egg” ads from the 50s, on the grounds that they don’t promote a properly balanced breakfast. Something like the dawning American realization that the egg is indeed edible, but maybe not so […]



Stephen Colbert on James Holsinger and His Weird Plumbing Analogies

June 15th, 2007 · Comments Off on Stephen Colbert on James Holsinger and His Weird Plumbing Analogies · Comedy, Culture, Health, LGBT, Politics, TV, Video

Stephen Colbert dedicates The Word to Bush’s gay-hating Surgeon General nominee, James Holsinger, and shares some of Holsinger’s amazing insights into what plumbing can teach us about human sexuality.   (h/t After Elton)



Roundup: Green Blood and Near Beer Edition

June 11th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Comics, Culture, Hate Crimes, Heroes, Human Rights, Internet, Journalism, Language, LGBT, Media, Music, News, Politics, Roundup, Tech, TV

POLITICS: Department of things that should be perfectly obvious to everyone: Colin Powell says we should close Guantanamo. “Essentially, we have shaken the belief the world had in America’s justice system by keeping a place like Guantanamo open and creating things like the military commission. We don’t need it and it is causing us far […]



Roundup: Magnum Opus Edition

June 4th, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: Magnum Opus Edition · Apple, Books, Comics, Culture, Food, Heroes, iTunes, Language, LGBT, Lit, Media, Music, Nature, New Wave, News, Tech, TV, Vegetarian & Vegan

COMICS: For once I’m starting out with the comics section, in honor of the fact that Salon has added Opus by the mighty Berkeley Breathed (Bloom County, Outland) to their repertoire. Oh, happy day. Here’s the first installment. Along with my favorites This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow and Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben […]



Ocpot Presents … LOLHeroes

June 3rd, 2007 · 17 Comments · Blogs, Comedy, Comics, Culture, Heroes, Internet, Photos, Science Fiction, TV

OK, I’m a late bloomer on this, but having seen all of this insanity, via Jason at What Is This, 1999?, just sort of pushed me over the lolcats edge. I have put in my guilty share of time at I Can Has Cheezburger?, and I had previously seen the LOL Trek episode “We Has […]



Stop the Presses! Stop Everything! And Make Sure You’re Sitting Down

May 31st, 2007 · 2 Comments · Culture, Journalism, LGBT, Media, News, TV

David Hyde Pierce is finally out of the closet. OMG WTF!!! … maybe the ghost of Charles Nelson Reilly gave him a little nudge.



Cooking with Kate Bush, or The Man with the Bean Sprouts in His Eyes

May 30th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Culture, Food, Health, Journal, Music, New Wave, TV, Vegetarian & Vegan, Video

I’m embroiled in some serious end-of-the-month deadline drama this week, so posting will probably be lighter than usual for the next few days. Fortunately for us all, Kate Bush is here to share vegetarian cooking tips! (From a 1980 TV interview.) Here’s to putting nuts in everything!   I love the way Kate and the […]



Stephen Colbert: Behind the Maniac

May 23rd, 2007 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Media, Neo-Futurists, Politics, Theater, TV, Video

For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Colbert in person, this backstage video of him prepping John Kerry before Kerry’s recent Colbert Report appearance is a fun little peek behind the curtain of the character he plays on his show. I think knowing what a charming, mild-mannered, and self-effacing person Stephen is […]



The Colbert Report: Heated Debate

May 21st, 2007 · Comments Off on The Colbert Report: Heated Debate · Climate Change, Comedy, Culture, Education, Politics, Science, TV, Video

“Professors are forcing our kids to submit to their pro-glacier agenda!” Newsflash: Student traumatized when his university tries to make him learn things that don’t harmonize with his conservative worldview! Fortunately, Stephen Colbert is here to make sense of the situation.   Yeah, what Stephen said! Because you should never, ever have to be taught […]



Why I Love Barney Frank: Being Gay Would Be a Crime “If the Republicans Had Their Way”

May 20th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, LGBT, Politics, TV, Video

This an oldie from last fall, but it’s a classic Barney Frank rant and I got a kick out of watching it again when I happened across it a couple of days ago. When the good Congressman gets going, he just mops up the rhetorical floor with whatever poor hapless soul has the misfortune to […]

