
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'The Partly Dave Show'

The Partly Dave Show: Please Mister Postman (at the Rhino Fest, Friday Feb. 20)

February 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Music, Neo-Futurists, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

So, here’s some of that “other news” I mentioned in my previous post: Partly Dave is back! Oh, yes, you read that right, Mabel. The Partly Dave Show has been unpacked from its wooden chest, mothballs brushed away, and is ready to flatter your figure again just like the old days — and it’s happening […]



Out of the Lightfoot Closet

April 7th, 2008 · 5 Comments · Music, The Partly Dave Show

I just discovered that talented local singer-songwriter John Greenfield — who, by way of mentioning it, performed in the second-ever edition of The Partly Dave Show back in 2003 — has an eloquent writeup of a recent Gordon Lightfoot show in Waukegan over on Gaper’s Block. I suppose I’ve been a Gordon Lightfoot fan since […]



Saturday 8/25: Grigsby Award Ceremony for David Kodeski and Edward Thomas-Herrera

August 24th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

If you’re here in Chicago and looking for something fun to do tomorrow evening, I’ll be participating in an award ceremony and “gentle roast” (in the words of Live Bait Theater) for those stalwarts of the Chicago solo performance scene — and my fellow Pansy Kings — David Kodeski and Edward Thomas-Herrera. The ceremony is […]



In Chicago: Rachel Claff Is Busting Out All Over

June 17th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Film, Fringe, LGBT, Lit, Music, Neo-Futurists, New Wave, News, Nightclubs, Performance, Poetry, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

I haven’t done one of these Chicago Fringe scene reports in a while, so here’s what’s on my radar this week: The Neo-Futurists’ annual festival It Came From The Neo-Futurarium VI: Curse of The Neo-Futurarium, consisting of staged readings of various camp-ready old films, kicks off this Thursday, June 21 at 8pm. The first installment […]



A Brief Pause …

May 3rd, 2007 · 2 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Meta, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

I’m still recovering from last night’s Partly Dave Show, which was a blast, and catching up on various things today. I hope to be back up and blogging by sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who came to the show and/or helped promote and support it.



Partly Dave Show Tonight!

May 2nd, 2007 · 7 Comments · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, Journal, LGBT, Music, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

This is it — tonight’s the night The Partly Dave Show makes its long-prophesied return, at 7:30pm at The Neo-Futurarium. I’ll dish out one more exciting little fact about tonight’s show: Even in Blackouts will be unveiling* the brand-new Partly Dave Show theme song, hot out of the oven** and never before heard by human […]



In Chicago: Homolatte, Another Lousy Day, The Joans and More!

May 1st, 2007 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, LGBT, News, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

First up, don’t forget that the Party Mix Edition of The Partly Dave Show is less than 48 hours away! Wednesday night, May 2nd, at The Neo-Futurarium. All the details are here. Tonight, Tuesday May 1st, Scott Free’s fantabulous Homolatte Cabaret presents Samuel Park and Aaron Mayer Frankel, at 7:30pm at Tweet (next door to […]



In Chicago: Calvino, Poker, Handbags and More

April 20th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Music, Neo-Futurists, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

The trees are budding in Chicago this week, and the darling buds of the fringe performance scene are in full crazy spring bloom as well. There’s so much going on that if I’m not careful, I might use up all my item bullets, and then I wouldn’t have any for next week! Well, anyway, here […]



In Chicago: More on the May 2nd Special Edition of The Partly Dave Show

April 13th, 2007 · 6 Comments · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Music, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, Poetry, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

Continuing the brand-new tradition of breaking news about The Partly Dave Show here on Ocelopotamus first, I can now confirm the full lineup for our upcoming show, and fill you in on why we’re doing it and what’s so goll-dang special about it. Here’s the deal: the shadowy white-coated figures at The Partly Dave Show’s […]



Comedy and the Art of Dancing Backwards

April 7th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Comedy, Culture, Doctor Who, Film, Journal, Kids in the Hall, Meta, Neo-Futurists, Science Fiction, The Partly Dave Show, TV

My old friend AKMA (from the Billy-Bragg email list back in the 90s) has a short but insightful post up about the etiquette of responding to a straight line when it’s offered. It reminds me of why I used to enjoy talking to him online so much. Go read it. The last time I exchanged […]



In Chicago: Even in Blackouts, LIP,
and The Dollar Store Show

March 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on In Chicago: Even in Blackouts, LIP,
and The Dollar Store Show
· Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Music, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, Poetry, The Partly Dave Show

What’s going on in Chicago this coming week? Almost too much for one imaginary tree-climbing pachyderm to blog. But here are a few highlights: On Monday night, the world’s best acoustic pop-punk outfit, John Pierson’s band Even in Blackouts, will be playing a basement concert in John’s own basement! It’s at [address redacted now that […]

