
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'Books'

The Unbearable Lightness of the Kilogram, Universes Next Door, and the Occupy Movement

November 29th, 2011 · 1 Comment · Books, Chicago, Culture, Essays, Fringe, Journalism, News, Performance, Politics, Science, The Economy, Stupid, TV, Writing

Context: This essay was written for, and performed in, the November 19, 2011 edition of The Paper Machete, a weekly showcase for Chicago journalists, comedians, and other writers, hosted by Christopher Piatt. I’m just getting around to posting it now because, well, my own universe is fairly chaotic and other deadlines prevailed. You are encouraged […]



The King’s Speech and The Writer’s Prayer

January 5th, 2011 · 4 Comments · Books, Culture, Film, Fringe, Journal, Neo-Futurists, Performance, Poetry, Theater, Writing

I saw The King’s Speech a few nights ago, and I think it’s the film most relevant to my own experience that I’ve seen in a very long time. The thing is, it’s not just a charming historical drama about royalty and speech therapy; it’s about people who allow their own anxieties and self-doubt to […]



Um, Hello There (or: Oops, I Wrote a Book!)

February 7th, 2009 · 4 Comments · Books, Culture, Facebook, Facebook Me!, Journal, Meta, Tech

So, yeah. No beating around the bush. I kind of disappeared from this little corner of Lower East Blogistan for about four months. What happened is that I was writing a book. Yes, it’s a book about Facebook. A Facebookbook. See, for the last nine years I’ve been freelancing for Peachpit Press as a tech […]



Wordslingers Appearance Now Online, and Poem of the Week on Deep Dish

June 4th, 2008 · Comments Off on Wordslingers Appearance Now Online, and Poem of the Week on Deep Dish · Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Lit, Performance, Poetry, Politics

For those of you who didn’t hear it on the public airwaves a couple of weeks back, because you were busy painting your toenails or defending the earth or something, my appearance on the Wordslingers poetry radio show from Sunday 5/18 is now online in the Vox Cafe archive on the Wordslingers Web site — […]



Capes and Crumpets with Roz Kaveney

May 4th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Doctor Who, Journal, LGBT, Lit, Science Fiction, TV

Speaking of people on my blogroll: Pop culture critic, blogger, and transgendered activist extroardinaire Roz Kaveney of Silence Exile and Crumpets was just in town, promoting her new book Superheroes!: Capes and Crusaders in Comics and Films — which I’m hoping to crack the covers of eventually. Roz is brilliant at analyzing the various mechanics […]



With Six You Get Blogroll

April 22nd, 2008 · 3 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Internet, Journal, Meta, Music, Neo-Futurists, New Wave, Politics, Vegetarian & Vegan

So yesterdoodle, as part of my ongoing efforts to get the Ocelopotamus back to full health and vitality, I finally got around to overhauling the blogroll (that’s that tall snaky thing over to the right that looks like a list of nonsensical words and phrases!) with some links that I’ve been accumulonimbusing for a stoat’s […]



Comical Cartoon Comics

April 22nd, 2008 · 1 Comment · Books, Comics, Culture, Nature, Politics

Because I haven’t brought you your funnies in a while … • Tom the Dancing Bug’s Super-Fun-Pak Comix. … T’Aint no evolution! • Matt Bors: Let’s ask a multi-millionaire who sounds like a redneck! … Ya follow? • Opus: What to take if your nipples shoot sparks. • Tom Toles: Constructing the angry tea-drinking elitist. […]



Bookshelves vs. Blogging: Cage Match

March 2nd, 2008 · 7 Comments · Books, Journal, Meta

So, on the one hand, I feel just awforrible that Ocelopotamus has gone so quiet … the latest two-week outage being just one bead on a five-month string of periods of woeful neglect. Poor kittyderm. And I have all these wonderful links and jottings and things I’d like to post, if I can just find […]




December 18th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Books, Comedy, Fantasy, Film, Nature, News, Science

More breaking news from the world of fantasy science: A giant rodent five times the size of a common rat has been discovered in the mountainous jungles of New Guinea. The 1.4kg Mallomys giant rat is one of two species of mammal thought to be new to science documented on an expedition to an area […]



Force of Hobbit

December 18th, 2007 · Comments Off on Force of Hobbit · Books, Culture, Fantasy, Film, News

Looks like the film version of The Hobbit is going to happen after all. And it’s going to be a two-parter (because they sell more popcorn like that, see). New Line and filmmaker Peter Jackson have resolved their differences over Jackson’s profit participation over the $3 billion-grossing “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, paving the way […]



Roundup: Flight of the Humpback Edition

November 19th, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: Flight of the Humpback Edition · Apple, Blogs, Books, Climate Change, Comics, Culture, Feminism, Fiction, Film, History, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Journalism, LGBT, Lit, Macintosh, Media, Music, Nature, New Wave, Politics, Religion, Software, Tech, The Economy, Stupid, Torture

Markos from Daily Kos has a new gig writing opinion pieces for Newsweek, and he’s been in rare form with his first couple of efforts. From this week’s column: “In his first Inaugural Address, Ronald Reagan remarked that ‘government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.’ While the quip has provided […]



Norman Mailer Yap Attack

November 12th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Blogs, Books, Culture, LGBT, Lit, News, Pets

The most entertaining Norman Mailer story I’ve read since the wake began: “The stories of his macho posturing are legion, from the time he dismissed America’s leading women writers as ‘fey, old hat, quaintsy and dykily psychotic’, to the day he encountered a passing punk while walking his poodles in Brooklyn. According to Peter Manso’s […]



Chicago Notes: Spukt, Sweat Girls, Mr. Fluxus, Andy Bayiates, and More

November 10th, 2007 · Comments Off on Chicago Notes: Spukt, Sweat Girls, Mr. Fluxus, Andy Bayiates, and More · Astrology, Blogs, Books, Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fantasy, Fiction, Foreign Policy, Fringe, History, Journal, Lit, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, Politics, Theater

It’s been ages since I’ve done one of these little Chicago roundups, but there are so many head-splittingly good things going on this week that it seems like a dandy time to reinstate the tradition. • First up, this weekend is the opening of the brand-new Theater Oobleck show Spukt, written by the mercurial Dave […]



Roundup: Where All the Corn Cobs Are Edition

October 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: Where All the Corn Cobs Are Edition · Advertising, Books, Climate Change, Comics, Culture, Death Penalty, Fantasy, Fiction, Film, Food, Health, Healthcare Crisis, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Internet, Labor, Law, LGBT, Music, Nature, New Wave, News, Organic Food, Pets, Politics, Roundup, Science, Tech

In order to keep these roundups fresh as a spring daisy, I usually discard any links I’ve been keeping around that are more than a week old. But since this is OcPot’s first roundup in more than six weeks, I’m extending the freshness window slightly to include a few things that were just too good […]

