
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'Advertising'

So If You Have a Mouth — And I Know You Do …

September 24th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Advertising, Culture, Video

Regardez, my favorite TV ad from the 80s. Despite being an inveterate commercial hater, I had this one memorized in high school and would break into an impression of it at parties, on the school bus, when things got slow in Latin class, anywhere. I’m not sure why I loved it so much except that […]



Remedial Comedy-Writing for T-Shirt Companies

June 27th, 2008 · 11 Comments · Advertising, Comedy, Culture, Facebook, Science Fiction, TV

Methinks some people in the t-shirt business misunderstand the basic idea of funniness. For example, I just got a little ad on Facebook, which claims this is “the funniest Star Trek t-shirt ever … !” Well, um … no. That’s not especially funny. Sure, “Make it so” was Captain Picard’s catchphrase. But there’s nothing funny […]



Roundup: Where All the Corn Cobs Are Edition

October 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: Where All the Corn Cobs Are Edition · Advertising, Books, Climate Change, Comics, Culture, Death Penalty, Fantasy, Fiction, Film, Food, Health, Healthcare Crisis, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Internet, Labor, Law, LGBT, Music, Nature, New Wave, News, Organic Food, Pets, Politics, Roundup, Science, Tech

In order to keep these roundups fresh as a spring daisy, I usually discard any links I’ve been keeping around that are more than a week old. But since this is OcPot’s first roundup in more than six weeks, I’m extending the freshness window slightly to include a few things that were just too good […]



Roundup: Dinosaur Corsage Edition

August 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on Roundup: Dinosaur Corsage Edition · Activism, Advertising, Comics, Culture, Doctor Who, Energy, Film, Foreign Policy, Health, Healthcare Crisis, History, Human Rights, Law, LGBT, Media, Nature, News, Peace, Pets, Politics, Roundup, Science, TV

Scary stuff: There’s a lot of buzz and speculation that starting just after Labor Day, the Bush administration is going to be rolling out a major PR campaign to pave the way for war with Iran. See here and here for starters. Grand Moff Texan at DKos says the Bushies will be using the same […]



“Do Not Go To Work on an Egg”

June 20th, 2007 · Comments Off on “Do Not Go To Work on an Egg” · Advertising, Business, Comedy, Culture, Food, Health, Language, News, TV, Vegetarian & Vegan, Video

A British advertising watchdog has slapped down the British Egg Information Service’s attempt to bring back the famous “Go To Work on an Egg” ads from the 50s, on the grounds that they don’t promote a properly balanced breakfast. Something like the dawning American realization that the egg is indeed edible, but maybe not so […]



Introducing the New Meerkat-Enabled T. Rex, or Tiny Arms No More!

June 19th, 2007 · Comments Off on Introducing the New Meerkat-Enabled T. Rex, or Tiny Arms No More! · Advertising, Comedy, Comics, Culture, Nature, Pets

Go look at what Eli made. Just go look. When you get there, be sure to click on the thumbnail to look at the large version of the image. The wonderfulness of it is hardly to be fathomed.   Illustration: Detail from “Tyrannosaurus M.E.” by Hob, aka my pal Eli. I also highly recommend his […]



News Roundup: Fresh Prints Edition

April 9th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Activism, Advertising, Apple, Business, Climate Change, Culture, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, iTunes, Labor, LGBT, Media, Music, News, Politics, Science

Newt Gingrich calls on Abu Gonzales to resign. Trying to sound like a big, butch hunter to please the NRA, dreadfully amusing little joke of a candidate Mitt Romney says he likes to hunt rabbits and refers to them as “varmints.” Tell it to the Easter bunny, Mitt. I hope he left a gaily decorated […]



News Roundup: Supreme Court, Python,
and Gromit Edition

April 2nd, 2007 · 1 Comment · Advertising, Apple, Blogs, Business, Climate Change, Comedy, Culture, Film, Fringe, Health, Human Rights, iTunes, LGBT, Media, Music, Nature, Neo-Futurists, News, Politics, Supreme Court, Torture, Travel, TV

The Supreme Court rules that the EPA has the authority — and the responsibility — to regulate greenhouse gases. Carl Pope of The Sierra Club says: “Today’s ruling is a watershed moment in the fight against global warming … The ruling is a total rejection of the Bush administration’s refusal to use its existing authority […]



Raising Issues with Tissues: Greenpeace Infiltrates Kleenex Ad Campaign!

April 2nd, 2007 · Comments Off on Raising Issues with Tissues: Greenpeace Infiltrates Kleenex Ad Campaign! · Activism, Advertising, Business, Climate Change, Media, Nature, Politics, Video

One more post in honor of April Fool’s day — here’s Greenpeace pulling a pretty good activist prank. Kimberly-Clark, the makers of Kleenex, are responsible for clear-cutting irreplaceable old-growth forests in order to make their tissues. Meanwhile, there’s this Kleenex ad campaign where people are asked to sit on a blue sofa, artistically placed on […]



The Big Pet Food Recall, Continued

March 23rd, 2007 · 10 Comments · Advertising, Business, Cats, Factory Farming, Food, Health, Kiwi, Mr. Blue, News, Pet Food, Pets, Politics

In the comments to my post about the Big Pet Food Recall earlier this week, AmyC pointed out that the pet food industry isn’t regulated by the FDA; instead it’s self-regulated by an industry group called the AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials). And then Grendel posted this link: What’s Really in Pet Food, […]



Cats: Kiwi, Mr. Blue, & Menu Foods

March 20th, 2007 · 7 Comments · Advertising, Cats, Food, Health, Journal, Kiwi, Mr. Blue, News, Pet Food, Pets

I hear the cool kids like to post pictures of their cats on their blogs sometimes. Except I think you’re supposed to do it on Fridays. In 2005. Well, never let it be said that Ocelopotamus colors inside the lines! Anyway, here’s Barabajagal (aka Mr. Blue) and Kiwi, even though they don’t really deserve the […]

