It’s interesting that 30 Rock seems to have pulled off a dark horse victory over Studio 60 as the backstage-at-SNL show that’s most likely to survive.
I think NBC made a good move putting 30 Rock right after The Office last week, and I hope they keep it there. It feels like the show is finally coming into its own creatively. The first few episodes I saw did nothing for me, but it’s been getting better and better — the dialogue sharper and and funnier, the characters more clearly understood and their chemistry more effectively used. The real turning point for me was the episode with Paul Reubens as the Hapsburg prince — it was probably the funniest non-Pee Wee performance I’ve ever seen him give, and casting him was a savvy move.
This past week’s episode made a similarly smart call, bringing in Gob — excuse me, Will Arnett — from the late, lamented Arrested Development for a little of that bananagrabber magic. 30 Rock has finally moved from something I might watch because it fits on the same VCR tape as The Office, to a show I kinda look forward to.
If you like Will Arnett, check out the Will Arnett Research Project at
Thanks, Segway. I’ll check it out!
Ocelopotamus — Where There’s a Will There’s a Segway // Apr 13, 2007 at 3:50 am
[…] Previously: 30 Rock Is Finally Starting To […]