
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Last Week’s Three Best Video Kerfuffles

March 26th, 2007 · 5 Comments · Climate Change, Culture, Film, Human Rights, Media, News, Politics, Torture, TV

I don’t know what was in the air last week, but it was a banner week for jaw-dropping altercations, smackdowns and ruckuses (should that be ruckae?) caught on video. Here are the three that made a biggest impression on me.

1. Boxer vs. Inhofe vs. Gore.

Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is one of those guys who doesn’t believe in global warming, or at least he pretends he doesn’t in order to please the people who pull his marionette strings. As Al Gore was testifying at the Senate hearing on global warming last week, Inhofe did his best to treat Gore like a doormat, attacking and insulting him, and then refusing to let Gore respond or defend himself. In the video (link below), he keeps cutting Gore off and telling him that if he wants to respond, he can respond “in writing.”

Barbara Boxer, the committee chairwoman, puts up with this for a while, patiently asking Inhofe to allow Gore time to respond. But when Inhofe refuses to behave himself, Boxer finally decides she’s had enough and it’s time to cut Inhofe into teeny tiny pieces by telling him, “You’re not making the rules. You used to when you did this. Elections have consequences. So I make the rules.”

… and the crowd goes wild. Watch the video here.

2. Rosie O’Donnell vs. Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

A remarkably similar situation to the one above. Filmmaker Rory Kennedy is on The View, talking about her new documentary Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. Elisabeth Hasselbeck keeps interrupting Kennedy, insisting that torturing people is OK because it’s part of Keeping America Safe. Kennedy is very patient in explaining why engaging in torture isn’t effective and does our country more harm than good, but Hasselbeck thinks there’s a pony in the torture issue somewhere and won’t let Kennedy talk. Finally Rosie lets her have it.

3. Lily Tomlin vs. David O. Russell.

This isn’t something that happened last week, but wow. Just wow. Lily Tomlin and director David O. Russell tearing into at each other on the set of I Heart Huckabees.

This one isn’t really fair, because we don’t know enough about what led up to this to have a sense of why Tomlin and Russell are at each other’s throats like this, and who is really at fault here. Still, it’s astounding to see an actor of Tomlin’s stature being addressed in such reductive four-letter terms.


5 Comments so far ↓

  • Aaron

    It was truly amazing to see that Lily refused to raise her voice any further, even after Russell dropped the “C” bomb on her.

    I heard that she apologized to him later and shooting resumed. Then the incident in the car filming happened, where Lily screamed at everyone, including Naomi Watts (who deserved it, if only for “The Ring” :-)).

    And geez, how annoying is Elizabeth Hasselbeck!? I don’t watch the show often, but it seems like they killed two birds with one stone there–the dumb blonde Debi Matenopoulos figure and the bitchy conservative Star Jones figure all rolled into one. I wonder if SHE wears Payless Shoes , too…

  • Aaron

    Oh, and James Inhofe is an asshole…so is Sam Brownback (the name says it all).

  • Ocelopotamus

    Wow, I didn’t even know about the car video. But I searched YouTube and found it here:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z-qOKF0jmg … I wonder if any more of these will leak out?

  • Ocelopotamus

    Also, a good writeup of Lily’s reaction to the videos coming out is here:

  • Aaron

    I know lots of people wrote nasty things about her (well, that’s the Internet), but she’s always been one of my faves…I even liked “The Incredible Shrinking Woman” (which stunk on ice) just because of her. She deserves sainthood even if only for “9 to 5.” But yeah, I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a car with her. :-)

    What amazes me is that this video is only just now surfacing–YouTube’s been around for close to 2 years, and that movie was released in 2004, meaning all that probably happened about 4 yrs. ago.