Crazy busy with work this week, but here’s a little video fun to keep the Ocelopotamus happy — Phil Judd’s post-Split Enz group the Swingers, doing “Counting the Beat”!
Good heavens, I love this song. It was one of my weekly staples back when I was spinning at Club Foot (Sunday nights, “New Toys for Glow Dogs,” circa 2002-2004, RIP), and never failed to raise the energy in the room. (Well, my energy anyway … )
If this doesn’t make you want to dance, as Natalia Landauer used to say, “I’m sorry, I can’t help you.”
Brill video, too. The polka-dot bowtie, the animation, the spazz-tastic dancing. Shake me up, Judy!
If you’re not familiar with the Swingers, you owe yourself the pleasure.
John over at Lost in the 80s had a great post about the Swingers a while back, so you can read up on them over there. (He’s got the video for “One Good Reason,” too, which is equally memorable.)
While I’m on the subject of John, who’s one of my favorite music bloggers, according to this post he’s turning Lost in the 80’s into a weekly feature at, so set your bookmarks for the goodness.
I love that song! Used to spin it back at college radio, too. A few years ago I started using the net to compile cds of songs I loved but couldn’t find (or only wanted the one song by the artist, etc), and “Counting the Beat” was the third song on the first cd.
Must have for iPod…. Must have for iPod…..
Many thanks for the blog love!