I’m hereby abandoning hopes of posting any of the 87 things I had wanted to post before getting on the bus for the ceremonial voyage to Peoria, where I’ll be for the next couple of days spending the holly daze with my parentals and watching a Doctor Who DVD marathon with my mom.
In the meantime, I hope you all had or will have the very nice Decemberal holidays of your choice, including, but not limited to, the following selections: Winter Solstice, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Beethoven’s Birthday, and/or Xmas.
See you all on the flip side, and who knows? Maybe I’ll actually manage to post some of the stuff I’ve been storing up before the new year. Or maybe I’ll just have another colorful meltdown!
It really all depends on how thoroughly the cats will have destroyed the apartment when I get back. The extra-catnip-as-rite-of-propitiation thing is of very limited currency with them.
I’ll leave you with my favorite Christmas story ever …
Podgy the Bear and Jasper were huddled around the unlit fire in the center of the room.
“There are no more matches left, Podgy,” said Jasper.
“Then buy some, Jasper old friend,” said Podgy. “Make a list and afterwards, we’ll go to the shop and buy matches, and candles, and buns.”
“There’s no more paper to write on, Podgy.â€
“No need to worry, Jasper. You keep saying to yourself ‘matches’ and I’ll keep saying ‘candles’ until we reach the shop. Then we won’t need to write it down. We’ll remember.â€
“Who’ll remember the buns, Podgy?â€
“We both will, Jasper.”
“Matches …â€
“Candles … â€
“Matches … â€
“Candles … â€
“Matches …â€
“Candles …â€
Well if I ever see another banjo, I’m going out to buy a big balloon!
What bus were you on, Dave? Jim and I also went to Peoria on a bus this week.