More breaking news from the world of fantasy science:
A giant rodent five times the size of a common rat has been discovered in the mountainous jungles of New Guinea.
The 1.4kg Mallomys giant rat is one of two species of mammal thought to be new to science documented on an expedition to an area described as a “lost world”.
Please tell me they found them near the Fire Swamp.
And that the scientists were careful to avoid the snow sand.
That’s lightning sand, Dave.
Jeez, kids these days.
It’s lightning sand in the movie, but it’s snow sand in the book. (I just finally got around to reading the book last year, so the book’s nomenclature was fresher in my mind.)
But thanks for your devotion to maintaining high standards for princess-brideology … there has never been a civilization that neglected the study of The Princess Bride and survived.