Here’s a little video roundup to keep you entertained while I try to scrape together the time to post something more substantial.
First off, Mr. Colbert points out the enormous black-and-orange elephant in the living room … the War on Halloween! That’s not going to be very popular in the candy corn belt.
He really enjoyed that bit about the five stages of pumpkin grief, didn’t he?
Next up, Stephen interviews Anderson Cooper, while Anderson giggles fetchingly. (Also, some stuff about melting ice and vanishing species.)
Speaking of Anderson Cooper … oh, what the heck. Is the letter G grouchy — or not grouchy?
I just love the dreamy way he says “gastroenteritis.” Sigh.
And here’s a very entertaining one from earlier this month that I didn’t get to post because I was hiatus-itizing … Keith Olbermann shares some valuable strategies for defending yourself if you’re ever ambushed by Bill O’Reilly’s stalker-goons.
A round-up on Saturday evening and you leave out the whole “Dumbledore’s gay” thing? For shame.
In case I messed up the html, the link is:
Well, it was supposed to pop, but otherwise seems to work. On the other hand, if I had not html’ed at all, your blog software evidently recognizes the format of a URL and makes it a link (hence, the second one).
Oh, it’s not a real roundup … just a video roundup.
I’m hoping to do my first real roundup in more than a month sometime later this week. Wish me luck!
And, interesting about the automatic links — I didn’t know WordPress did that.
Ocelopotamus — No Backsies // Oct 24, 2007 at 11:26 am
[…] Minnesota Malcolm brought it up in the comments to this post last night, and now that the backlash is setting in, I have an angle. I woke this morning to find a […]
um, so like any time you wanna hang out, wear slippers, eat snacks and watch Anderson Cooper 360 or his buddy special with jeff corwin where they get all serious about the earth and that and hold furry little animals, i’m all up for it, pallie.
What is bumburbia?
Hey, just i just wanted to remind, tha global I4oTuFskPCc4 is near.
Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wikileaks? What do you think about it?
Thank you