This one:
I guess all I’m really saying
is how I think you’re wrong here
and some things are worth the chaos
that they come along with
— Trembling Blue Stars, “Letter Never Sent” (which has a bridge worthy of Neil Finn)
(First installment in a possible recurring series … feel free to share your own favorite tear-jerking lyrics in the comments.)
Oh, thank you for the invitation and the idea, and Ah! I won’t say what your lyrics put me in mind of.
Here’s a lyric fragment that always makes me pensive, if not actually crying — and it’s been working its magic on my since the sixties…
From Tom Rush’s singing of Starlight….
[First, to get you in the mood, the opening:
Like starlight on dark water,
My love brought life to me,
And I am dying wanting her,
And she is loving, living free,
And Jesus,
You’ve got to help me this time,
Sweet saviour,
I’m lost and I’m blind…]
And here’s the selected lines:
Sun, she dies so quietly,
So sure of resurrection,
And I am dying in the street
Crying for connection.
Ch. And Jesus, you’ve got to help me this time…..
That’s lovely, Jane. Thanks for posting it.