Here’s a good example of why I like this guy so much.
He gets it. And he lets you know that he gets it.
This is Edwards speaking at the Gnomedex Tech conference in 2006:
… and from Monday night’s debate:
Via this most excellent diary at Daily Kos.
I just hope WE get it! I like him the best…I hope he never waters down or sells out like the others!
i’m with you, dave. i think edwards is the one the republicans are really frightened of.
do people think hillary, who is now in the pocket of the insurance industry, will take care of this problem? what about obama — he’s a great orator, but his wife, until recently, held down a $100,000+ job at the university of chicago hospitals, and i doubt she was there to insure that people who needed care got the care they needed…
it’s amazing to me still how people will ignore the issues, and vote against their own best interests because someone got an expensive haircut or has [over many years] built a big house for their family.