Speaking of unions … here’s what the New York fire fighters’ union has to say about Rudy Giuliani.
It’s a little slow to get going, but if you take a few minutes to watch the whole thing, it’s pretty damning. Rudy really made some incredibly bad decisions. For example, I hadn’t known about him deciding to locate the emergency command center on the site of the World Trade Center … after it had already been attacked in 1993.
From the video summary:
In this thirteen minute documentary, fire fighters, fire officers and family members give dramatic testimony about Giuliani’s leadership failures. Their dramatic stories tell how Giuliani failed to provide the FDNY with radios that worked, which led to the deaths of 121 fire fighters inside the World Trade Center’s North Tower because they were unable to hear orders to evacuate.
Fire fighters also point to Giuliani’s poor judgment in placing his emergency command center at 7 World Trade Center, a known terrorist target after the 1993 bombing.
This video documents the mayor’s lack of respect for the fallen when he called off the recovery effort at Ground Zero on Nov. 1, 2001, after $200 million in gold bullion was recovered.
… “The UFA participated in this video to correct the myth that Rudy Giuliani has perpetrated on the American public,” said Steve Cassidy, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, IAFF Local 94.
So much for the big 9/11 “America’s Mayor” media narrative.
Related: the Rudy Giuliani Urban Legend site.
“America’s Mayor” these days looks more like an aging Quagmire from “The Family Guy.”
Oh man, the bunker! How quickly we forget. Rudy was in fact made fun of quite a bit for that WTC 7 facility, but at the time it was more like “What a grandiose asshole, building his own NORAD as if someone’s trying to blow him up.” Unless I missed it, there wasn’t a lot of comment on the sheer inappropriateness of the location. It was mostly seen as a very costly illustration of his unusual personality type.
The thing about the radios is worse, I think. That one was an illustration of how he actually governed. It was business, and no one was gonna tell him to play by the rules.