• Karl Rove may be facing a subpoena this week if he doesn’t agree to appear before the Senate to testify in the fired prosecutors scandal. The chairman of the judiciary committee, Sen. Patrick Leahy, wants White House officials on the record, under oath.
The final decision on putting on the agenda subpoenas is mine,” Leahy said on ABC’s “This Week.” “And it will be on Thursday this week, among the subpoenas that will be voted on, will be one for Karl Rove and one for (former White House counsel) Harriet Miers, another one for her deputy.”
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, one of Bush’s strongest Republican supporters in Congress, agreed on the same show that the committee needed to hear Justice Department officials.
But he said he feared Democrats “want to cut to the chase and let’s get Karl Rove there and have a political circus.”
Ummm … did he just call Karl Rove a clown? Does that mean we can start calling him Sideshow Karl?
• If you have cats and/or dogs, hopefully by now you’ve heard about the massive pet food recall, which affects 90 different brands of “cuts and gravy” style food in cans and pouches. At least nine cats and one dog have died already. Apparently the phone lines are jammed, so your best bet is to check the Web site for your pet food’s manufacturer.
• Via Gaper’s Block, McDonald’s Web site responds to a customer query about a troubling ingredient in their milkshakes.
• Giant with a black eye: new clues emerge in the mysterious literary feud between Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa. (Hat tip to my friend Norm Sloan.)
• Polish leaders want to punish teachers for teaching tolerance. So nice to be living in the 21st century.
• Not that you have to go to Poland to find rampant homophobia. Last week, The State Journal-Register of Springfield, Illinois asked its readers whether they should keep or drop Ann Coulter. Although 53% said to dump her like a load of remaindered bulk-purchase books, the paper decided to keep her on because 47% of its readers supported her.
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