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The Bravest Little Hobbit of Them All

June 8th, 2007 · No Comments · Books, Comedy, Culture, Fantasy, Lit, Meta, Music, Video

Posting has been kind of sparse on OcPot this week, because the end-of-the-month deadline drama from last week lapped over into the beginning of the month. It has a way of doing that, sometimes. The drama.

So while I have a ton of stuff I’d like to post, it may be be a couple of days before I get a chance to do it.

In the meantime, I’ll leave Leonard Nimoy to babysit you. This is an old classic, and if you hang around YouTube chances are good you’ve seen it. (If you’ve worked in an office with me, chances are good I’ve made you watch it with me.) But I’ve seen it at least 17 times over the last year or two and it still kills me every time. The lyrics, the delivery, the dance moves, the grinning, the outfits, the location … the sitting jauntily on a rock in a white turtleneck … the inexplicable flying clothes … well, it all adds up to magic.

Ladies and gentlemen, Leonard Nimoy and the Nimoyettes performing “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.” Who was you know, the bravest little hobbit of them all.

My favorite thing to do while watching it is to imagine Professor Tolkien watching it. How he might bury his head in his hands; when he might start to rend his garments; at what point he would stand up and mutter Orcish curses, his eyes flaming, the sun darkening, his countenance terrible to behold …


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