OK, I’m a late bloomer on this, but having seen all of this insanity, via Jason at What Is This, 1999?, just sort of pushed me over the lolcats edge.
I have put in my guilty share of time at I Can Has Cheezburger?, and I had previously seen the LOL Trek episode “We Has Tribbles and Also Troubles” (a masterpiece). But I think it was The LOLcky Horror Picture Show — or maybe LOL President — that took away my last shred of self-control.
So anyway, last night I wound up creating some …. LOLHeroes.
I have a feeling somebody out there has probably already done this, but once I had the idea I couldn’t bring myself to Google and check — I just needed to do it. For me.
So here you goes.
Half a dozen more after the jump.
UPDATE: Thanks to Laughing Squid, LolBuffy, GadgetGirl, Blah Blah Flowers, loltapirs, and The King’s Evil for the links!
And welcome to all teh nu visiterz. (If you feel like sticking around you might like this post.)
Also, a French-language blog called Niou Taiknolog1e has translated some of the captions into French, which is tres amusant. (You’ll need to scroll down a ways …)
o hai, i can maek copies to post in a heroes fan-tribe, plz?
will cite source
hai bender,
shur u can
thx 4 bean consider8
thx agin, ur pikshurz are teh funny,d00d
(seriously, they are…and well received where i reposted them too)
Thanks, Bender! I appreciate the feedback. I had a lot of fun making them, and the response has been most gratifying.
Thoase maked awsum lauff. Sum moar plz? Kthxbai.
Thanks, Analytik. I have thought about making some more. If I get enough requests, maybe I will. (Or if I find another chunk of stealable time …)
These are just THE BEST. Would you believe I got here by starting at the WallStreet Journal?
Thanks, Susan. I had wondered why this was suddenly getting another spike in hits this weekend … I appreciate the pointer.
dayum dat beez funni, an i wuz an ekkonomix techr!
just started to watch this series, as I no longer own a TV, and I’m relying on the internet for my entertainment.. Love the shows, and think the lol meme will never die…
I’ve provided a link to your site to your site in a post on lol’ing… keep up teh gud wrkz…
lol'ing Whut iz it? | loliticz.com // Sep 15, 2007 at 1:22 pm
[…] * lol80’s * lolbabes * lolbats * lolbeatles * lolbees * lolbrarians * lolcats * lolgay * lolheros * lolhistory, http://community.livejournal.com/lolhistory/ * lollohan,http://lolohan.wordpress.com/ […]
Roll Your Own LOL, Not Just For Cats Anymore | Laughing Squid // Sep 19, 2007 at 5:25 pm
[…] LOLHeroes […]
YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! Hiro is my hero!!!!!!!!!!
Love it!
Found your link on fark.com
Ocelopotamus — Mid-January Frosted Mini-Roundup // Jan 17, 2008 at 2:07 pm
[…] thing regularly. In addition to the thirty people who still show up every day to discover those LOLHeroes pictures, which are totally my “99 Luftballoons” one-hit-wonder contribution to the […]
“U cant hurtz me” is genius. So is “O HALP.” Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for contributing this to the series of tubes that is our interweb! Also, I haz polite link-back for u: http://lol-heroes.blogspot.com/2009/02/lollink-2.html
o hai! you be makin moar sune?