I’m embroiled in some serious end-of-the-month deadline drama this week, so posting will probably be lighter than usual for the next few days.
Fortunately for us all, Kate Bush is here to share vegetarian cooking tips! (From a 1980 TV interview.)
Here’s to putting nuts in everything!
I love the way Kate and the interviewer regard the brown rice as if it were some fascinating new twist on rice, instead of, you know, its natural state.
Also, living on chocolate for a week is a great way to transition to vegetarianism … I dearly wish I’d thought of that back in high school when I made the switch.
Me, I just lived on french fries and onion rings for the first nine months, till I graduated to Health Valley chili and Morningstar Farms. And then the following year fast food restaurants suddenly discovered salad bars and stuffed baked potatoes. Saved!
(h/t Indiana Tony, who posted this video to Planet-Earthlings a while back.)
Dave Awl, I love you.
Jill Bernard! I love you double! So cool to have you stop by.
Everyone else, go check out Jill’s Web page — she’s the Queen of Improv in Minneapolis!
And I know queens.