This an oldie from last fall, but it’s a classic Barney Frank rant and I got a kick out of watching it again when I happened across it a couple of days ago.
When the good Congressman gets going, he just mops up the rhetorical floor with whatever poor hapless soul has the misfortune to blunder into his path.
If a steamroller could wield a rapier, you’d get something like Rep. Frank.
In addition to his thrilling powers of rhetoric, I love how tough his hide is, what a survivor he’s been, how he’s managed to outlast all the petty little Dick Armey homophobes and other assorted Lilliputians hurling their teeny-tiny spears at him over the years.
Bonus: this great moment in Barney Frankdom, courtesy of Wikipedia:
Frank is known for his witty, self-deprecating sense of humor. He once famously quipped that he was unable to complete his review of Kenneth Starr’s report detailing President Clinton’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky, complaining that it was “too much reading about heterosexual sex.”
Thank God for Barney Frank. He made mincemeat of the Wall Street Journal dork. And Jason Alexander in a NON-speaking role for once! Thank God for that, too…