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Partly Dave Show Tonight!

May 2nd, 2007 · 7 Comments · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, Journal, LGBT, Music, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater

Partly Dave Show logoThis is it — tonight’s the night The Partly Dave Show makes its long-prophesied return, at 7:30pm at The Neo-Futurarium.

I’ll dish out one more exciting little fact about tonight’s show: Even in Blackouts will be unveiling* the brand-new Partly Dave Show theme song, hot out of the oven** and never before heard by human ears!

If that doesn’t have you weak-kneed with anticipation***, I give up on you. Pig-headed schmendrick.****

Here’s all the info, one last time:

WHAT: The Partly Dave Show: Party Mix Edition!

WHO: Hosted by Dave Awl, with his co-hosts Christopher Piatt and Diana Slickman, plus performances by Neo-Futurist Rachel Claff, Kurt Heintz of e-poets.net, and Jonathan Messinger of The Dollar Store show. Plus live music by the one and only EVEN IN BLACKOUTS!

WHEN: Wednesday night, May 2nd, at 7:30pm.

WHERE: The Neo-Futurarium, 5153 N. Ashland (at Foster), in Chicago

HOW MUCH: $12 suggested donation, or “pay what you can.” Feel free to donate more if you can, but don’t stay home ’cause you’re broke!

Also, Jonathan Messinger is making me blush. In a good way.

*Is it possible to unveil a song?
**For that matter, do songs come out of ovens, and if they do, would they burn your ears? Is that covered by our insurance? Oh, just go with it.
***Experts have not been able to establish a medical correlation between anticipation and weakness of the knees or other joints.
****The term “schmendrick” is used here in a purely vernacular sense and any resemblance to any actual schmendricks, living or dead, is purely coincidental. You schmendrick.

Previously: More on the May 2nd Special Edition of The Partly Dave Show


7 Comments so far ↓

  • amyc

    Break a leg, Partly Dave! (because we’re putting you to sleep at three of the clock)

  • Ocelopotamus

    Sometimes we bring our friend Malcolm.

  • Andrea

    I enjoyed the show tonight, the readers, in particular Kurt Heinz and the host Dave Awl, as well as the music by Even in Blackouts. Looking forward to the next one–soon!

  • Aaron

    Great show! Kurt, your “Jar-Jar Aniston” story, Even in Blackouts, loved all of it. Looking forward to the podcast, too!

  • Ocelopotamus

    Thanks, Aaron. Really appreciated having you there. And I hope you liked your call-out in the show …

  • Ocelopotamus

    Oh, and Andrea as well — thanks for the lovely post on your own blog, Andrea!

  • Aaron

    Yes, I did like the call-out, thanks! I’ll link to your podcast once it’s up, too! (And you’ll have two extra listeners! :-))