- First up, don’t forget that the Party Mix Edition of The Partly Dave Show is less than 48 hours away! Wednesday night, May 2nd, at The Neo-Futurarium. All the details are here.
- Tonight, Tuesday May 1st, Scott Free’s fantabulous Homolatte Cabaret presents Samuel Park and Aaron Mayer Frankel, at 7:30pm at Tweet (next door to Big Chicks).
- This Thursday and Friday, May 3 and 4, David Kodeski will be bringing back one of his best shows ever, Another Lousy Day, to raise funds for presenting it at the 4th annual International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival. (Oh, I hope I didn’t just out David Kodeski!) Another Lousy Day is the show in which he brings to life the 1960-61 diaries of a Zenith factory worker named Dolores, and it’s just captivating. That’s Mr. Kodeski in the photo at right, looking all clever and pleased with himself. Performances are at 8pm both nights, at Live Bait Theater.
- Two of Chicago’s most distinguished writer-performers, Jenny Magnus and Beau O’Reilly of the Curious Theatre Branch, both have shows running in repertory at the Prop Theater through June 10.
- This Friday May 4 at 9pm is The Flesh Hungry Dog Show at Jackhammer, and this edition of the monthly queer rock variety show will feature the second-ever performance of The Joans. I saw them perform at the Handbag Happening last week and they tore the place up. I’m telling you, no Joan Crawford-wigged punk band will ever get madder at the dirt than they do.
- Also on Friday May 4, at 8pm, Dan Telfer will be performing solo in the New Faces Comedy Showcase at Kitty Moon, 6237 N. Clark. More info at Dan’s site.
- And even more also on Friday May 4, at 7pm, it’s this month’s edition of The Dollar Store Show at The Hideout! Featuring John McNally, Jeb Gleason-Allured, Susan Messing, Abraham Levitan, and of course host Jonathan Messinger, all doing performances inspired by the odd little items Jonathan finds at an actual dollar store.
- Theater Oobleck’s The Strangerer has just four performances left at Links Hall. If you haven’t seen it yet, go! Reservation info is here. (And here’s my take on the show.)
In Chicago: Homolatte, Another Lousy Day, The Joans and More!
May 1st, 2007 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, LGBT, News, Performance, The Partly Dave Show, Theater
Looking forward to Partly Dave tomorrow! (Ed Jones is bringing the tomatoes…) :-)